Muhammad Hijab, the Falasifah, Mutafalsifah and Jahmiyyah: Laying the Foundations for the Dīn of the Philosophers and Jahmites
Wednesday, June 12 2019 - by Abu.Iyaad
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Background: Six years ago, we wrote a series of articles advising Muslims about the danger of daʿwah personalities and organisations who engage in polemics with non-Muslims and atheistswhile relying upon the polemics of the Hellenized Sabeans, Jews, Christians and those who followed their way from the Jahmiyyah, Muʿtazilah and their various offshoots. These are "faulty goods" and anyone using them will bring harm upon Islām and Muslims in the long term. This is precisely what happened when the conceptual baggage of those Hellenized Sabeans, Jews and Christians entered the Muslims at the hands of al-Jaʿd bin Dirham and al-Jahm bin Ṣafwān during the early part of the second century hijrah. This led to trials and tribulations and the institutionalisation of doctrines and schools of thought which became the direct causes of splitting and weakening of the Muslim nation, in addition to that already caused by the Khārijites, Shīʿites, Qadarites and Murjiʿītes in the first century hijrah.
It is evident that those who fall into these very serious errors do not have firm grounding in the creed of the Salaf, that their nurturing is one of philosophy, and that such a nurturing is inevitably going to come through in their polemics--in the course of which dangerous principles and statements will be made--and which the common people will think to be truth, when they are great misguidance.
From such personalities who are ignorant of the creed of the Salaf--the creed of the Prophets and Messengers of Allāh, the creed which the Qurʾān came with and which the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) taught to his nation--is Muḥammad Hijāb. He is one of numerous personalities who have found in the tube and social media a means by which to bait Muslims who have love for Islām and love for its dissemination but who are uninformed and unable to recognize the many errors, some of them very serious, that personalities like Hijāb fall into.
In this series, we explore some of these errors related to the greatest subject area of Tawhid and Allah's Names and Attributes.
Note: Unable to respond to these knowledge based articled, Hijab embarked upon a very arrogant, vindictive, dirty campaign to malign myself and others by scandalmongering, making mockery, name-calling, abuse, and using very lowly behaviour in making reference to my family--which even his followers rejected from him. Then he made challenge debates and declare me a coward for not going along with his cravings for recognition.