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Disbelief of the One Who Denies Sun's Motion Around the Earth
There does not cease to remain those who have passed through the institutions, acquiring the conjectures and speculations of the sciences of the disbelievers and ...
Saturday, March 14 2020 - by Abu.Iyaad

A Brief Biography of Harb bin Ismail al-Kirmani (d. 280H)
He is Harb bin Ismāʿīl bin Khalaf al-Ḥanẓalī al-Kirmānī, Abū Muḥammad. His specific year of birth is not known ...
Monday, January 20 2020 - by Admin

Abu Uthman al-Sabuni (d. 449H): The Distinguishing Signs of Ahl al-Bid'ah
The Imām, Abū ʿUthmān al-Sābūnī (d. 449H) (رحمه الله) said: "And the characteristics ...
Monday, July 08 2019 - by Abu.Iyaad

Abu Taymiyyah Jeylani's Student and the Principle of Jahm bin Safwaan
Over the past few years there have appeared many personalities seeking to use the p ...
Thursday, August 04 2016 - by Abu.Iyaad

The Difference Between Ru'yah, Idraak and Ihaatah with Respect to Seeing Allaah
Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullaah) said: Hence, when He, the Blessed and Exalted, revealed Himself to the mountain and removed the veil only slightly, the mountain ...
Sunday, April 03 2016 - by Abu.Iyaad

Shaykh Hamud al-Tuwayjuree on the Claims of Moon Travel and Inhabitation
Shaykh Ḥamūd al-Tuwayjurī wrote in 1388H (1968), "What has been claimed by the enemies of Allāh the Exalted of Luna 9 reaching the Moon and ...
Tuesday, September 29 2015 - by Aqidah.Com

Big Bang Cosmology and the Quran: A Response to Muslim Apologists Using Scientific Conjectures to Explain the Qur'an
Due to the efforts of many Muslim apologists, the notion that the Qurʾān alludes to or explicitly mentions the speculative, conjectural pseudo-scientific ...
Sunday, September 06 2015 - by Abu.Iyaad

The Permanent Committee of Scholars on Ibn Taymiyyah, Ahl al-Kalām and Tasalsul (Endless Chain of Events)
The Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts clarify that affirming the eternality of Allah's speech and action (through His will and power) does not amount ...
Thursday, August 20 2015 - by Abu.Iyaad

Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymin and Ibn Taymiyyah on the Hadiths Relating to the First Creation
Statements from Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaymin and Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah discussing the hadiths pertaining to the first creation of Allaah, the ...
Wednesday, August 19 2015 - by Aqidah.Com

Debate Between a Majoosee and a Qadaree on a Ship
Imaam al-Aajurree (rahimahullaah) mentions in his book al-Sharee'ah (pp. 252-253) a debate taking place between a Majoosee (fire-worshipper) and a Qadari (denier ...
Sunday, September 15 2013 - by Abu.Iyaad

Advice Regarding Hamza Tzortzis and Company (iERA): Part 2 - The Usool of al-Jahm bin Safwan and Ahl al-Kalaam
Introduction View also: , , [[url>http://www.aqidah.c ...
Monday, August 26 2013 - by Abu.Iyaad

Advice Regarding Hamza Tzortzis and Company (iERA): Part 1 - Introduction
View also: , , [[url>http://www.aqidah.com/cr ...
Saturday, August 24 2013 - by Abu.Iyaad

Shaykh Muhammad Umar Bazmul on the Study of The'Scientific Miracle' in the Qur'an and a Note About the 'Scientific Miracle' Bandwagon Peddlers
Numerous people have been leading the 'Scientific Miracle' bandwagon and directing average Muslims into using this as a foundational basis for inv ...
Friday, August 23 2013 - by Abu.Iyaad

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan on the Study of the 'Scientific Miracle'
Numerous people have been leading the 'Scientific Miracle' bandwagon and directing average Muslims into using this as a basis for inviting others to Islam. ...
Friday, August 23 2013 - by Abu.Iyaad

Clarification of the Statement of Assim al-Hakeem That Divine Qadar Was Created
Belief in the Divine Qadar is from the six pillars of the belief of a Muslim and it impacts Tawhid in a profound way. This is because the issues connected ...
Sunday, November 11 2012 - by Abu.Iyaad

Translation of the Laamiyyah Poem Ascribed to Ibn Taymiyyah
This is a translation of the Laamiyyah poem which is ascribed to Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah). It is only 16 verses of poetry, easy to memorize, ...
Tuesday, October 09 2012 - by Abu.Iyaad

Imaam al-Sa'dee: What is the Definition of Tawheed and What Are Its Types?
Question: What is the definition of Tawheed and what are its types? The Answer: The comprehensive definition of Tawheed comprising all of its t ...
Saturday, October 06 2012 - by Abu.Iyaad

Want to Understand Aqidah Properly? Then You Must Learn and Understand History!
A person will not truly grasp and understand the Salafi aqidah and manhaj until he understands the historical origins of whatever opposes them. This requires ...
Thursday, September 06 2012 - by Abu.Iyaad

Imam al-Barbahaaree's Praise of Allāh and His Favour: Shaikh al-Fawzaan's Explanation
Sharh us-Sunnah of al-Barbahaaree The book "Sharh us-Sunnah" of al-Imaam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ale ...
Thursday, April 26 2012 - by Abu.Khadeejah.SP

Introduction to the Book of Imaam al-Barbaharee by the Explainer: The Noble Shaikh, the Scholar, Sālih al-Fawzān
Sharh us-Sunnah of al-Barbahaaree The book "Sharh us-Sunnah" of al-Imaam Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Ale ...
Wednesday, April 25 2012 - by Abu.Khadeejah.SP

Brief Notes on the Explanation of al-Aqidah al-Tahaawiyyah: Part 1 - Introduction
These are brief notes on this classical text and are based around the explanations of Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan and Shaykh Saalih Aal al-Shaykh. They should serve ...
Sunday, February 27 2011 - by Abu.Iyaad

Usamah Hasan, Darwinism, Evolutionary Forces and the Creation of Man - Part 7: Fitrah, Aql, Naql, Science and the Origin of the Universe and Man
Introduction In the preceding articles in this series we addressed Usamah Hasan's claim that neo-Darwinism is the route through which Allah created man (Aadam), ...
Thursday, January 27 2011 - by Abu.Iyaad

Usamah Hasan, Darwinism, Evolutionary Forces and the Creation of Man - Part 6: Usamah's Lecture 'Islam and the Theory of Evolution'
View In This Series: , , , [[url>http://www.aqidah.com/creed/ ...
Monday, January 24 2011 - by Abu.Iyaad

Usamah Hasan, Darwinism, Evolutionary Forces and the Creation of Man - Part 3: Looking at Usamah's Citations of Evidence
View In This Series: , , , [[url>http://www.aqidah.com/creed/ ...
Wednesday, January 19 2011 - by Abu.Iyaad

Usamah Hasan, Darwinism, Evolutionary Forces and the Creation of Man - Part 2: Analyzing the Merger Between Darwinism and the Qur'an
View In This Series: , , , [[url>http://www.aqidah.com/creed/ ...
Sunday, January 09 2011 - by Abu.Iyaad

Usamah Hasan, Darwinism, Evolutionary Forces and the Creation of Man - Part 1: General Observations
View In This Series: , , , [[url>http://www.aqidah.com/creed/ ...
Thursday, January 06 2011 - by Abu.Iyaad

Are All the Mu'tazilah Considered to be Jahmiyyah and Labelled as Jahmiyyah?
We received a question through email at the website, but it is more suited for this website. This is part of what is in the email regarding ...
Sunday, December 05 2010 - by Abu.Iyaad

Ibn Battah al-Ukbaree (d. 387H) on What is Obligatory to Believe in Regarding al-Qadaa wal-Qadar
Ibn Battah al-Ukbaree (rahimahullaah) stated in his monumental work, "al-Ibaanah an Sharee'at il-Firqat in-Naajiyah" in the second book on "al-Qadar", the first ...
Wednesday, June 30 2010 - by Abu.Iyaad

Concerning Faith (Eemaan) in Allaah - Part 2 of 2
Kitaab Usool al-Imaan The book to the right is "Kitaab Usool al-Imaan" (The Book of the Foundations ...
Saturday, March 13 2010 - by Abu.Iyaad

Kufr Can Occur Without Believing in Kufr or Desiring It
The aqidah of the Salaf with respect to Eemaan is summarized as: Eemaan is belief, speech and action, all of these enter into Eemaan and are from the reality ...
Monday, December 21 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

Al-Laalikaa'ee (d. 418H) What is Most Obligatory Upon a Muslim?
The work of Imaam a-Laalikaa'ee (d. 418H) is one of the monumental compilations that document the creed of the Salaf us-Saalih in the first ...
Sunday, December 20 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

Imaam Ahmad (d. 241H): Holding Fast to the Way of the Companions - Part 2
The Imaam of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah, Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d.241H) stated: والإقتداء به& ...
Sunday, December 20 2009 - by Abu.Khadeejah.SP

Concerning the Twelve Khalifahs That Will Rule Before the Hour, All Of Them From the Quraish
The Hadeeth of the Twelve Rulers All From Quraish There occurs in the Saheeh of al-Bukhaaree, in "Kitaab ul-Ahkaam" under the chapter of "Istikhlaaf": ...
Friday, December 18 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

The Creed of Abu Bakr al-Ismaa'eelee (d. 371H) And Refutation of the Ash'ariyyah Jahmiyyah: Eemaan is Speech and Action, It Increases and Decreases, and the Believers Excel Over Each Other With Respect to Their Eemaan
I'tiqaad Ahl is-Sunnah The Book "I'tiqaad Ahl is-Sunnah" (manuscript copy sample, first page, to the right) is authenti ...
Monday, December 14 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

The First Deniers of Allaah's Speech: A Chain of Evil Narrators
A Brief Historical Look at When and Who First Spoke with the Innovation that the Speech of Allaah is Created None of the Companions (radhi Allaahu 'anhum) ...
Sunday, December 13 2009 - by Abu.Khadeejah.SP

The Creed of Abu Bakr al-Ismaa'eelee (d. 371H) And Refutation of the Ash'ariyyah Jahmiyyah: Affirmation of Allaah's Nuzool Without Kayf
I'tiqaad Ahl is-Sunnah The Book "I'tiqaad Ahl is-Sunnah" (manuscript copy sample, first page, to the right) is authenti ...
Saturday, December 12 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

The Creed of Abu Bakr al-Ismaa'eelee (d. 371H) And Refutation of the Ash'ariyyah Jahmiyyah: There is Only One Qur'an and No Matter How It is Conveyed, It Is Not Created
I'tiqaad Ahl is-Sunnah The Book "I'tiqaad Ahl is-Sunnah" (manuscript copy sample, first page, to the right) is authenti ...
Saturday, December 12 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

Abu al-Hasan Alee ad-Daraqutnee (d. 385H)
He is the Imaam and Shaykh of Islaam: Abu al-Hasan Alee bin Umar bin Ahmad bin Mahdee al-Baghdaadee al-Haafidh. His ascription comes from "ad-Dar al-Qutn", a large ...
Tuesday, December 08 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

Al-Haafidh Abdul-Ghaniyy al-Maqdisi (d. 600H)
He is: al-Imaam al-Haafidh Abu Muhammad Abdul-Ghaniyy bin Abdul-Waahid bin Alee bin Suroor Ibn Raafi' bin Hussain bin Ja'far al-Maqdisi al-Jammaa'eelee, then ad-Dimashqi, ...
Tuesday, December 08 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

Kufr (Disbelief) Can Occur Without Istihlaal or Juhood
The aqidah of the Salaf with respect to Eemaan is summarized as: Eemaan is belief, speech and action, all of these enter into Eemaan and are from the reality ...
Tuesday, December 08 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad

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