In this section we will document the Scholars from the Salaf (first three centuries, to 300H) and those who followed in their way. We will provide brief biographies as a starting point, the aim is to become acquainted with who the Salaf were and in particular
when they died, as this is important in dealing with the groups and factions of innovation.
He is the Imaam and Shaykh of Islaam: Abu al-Hasan Alee bin Umar bin Ahmad bin Mahdee al-Baghdaadee al-Haafidh. His ascription comes from "ad-Dar al-Qutn", a large ...
He is: al-Imaam al-Haafidh Abu Muhammad Abdul-Ghaniyy bin Abdul-Waahid bin Alee bin Suroor Ibn Raafi' bin Hussain bin Ja'far al-Maqdisi al-Jammaa'eelee, then ad-Dimashqi, ...
He is: Abu Ibraaheem, Ismaa'eel bin Yahyaa, bin Ismaa'eel bin Amr bin Muslim al-Muzanee al-Misree
He is the most prominent student of Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee. His ...
He is: al-Haafidh Abu Bakr Abdullaah bin Zubayr bin Eesaa al-Qurashee al-Humaidee al-Makkee.
A group from the greatest of Imaams of Islaam and the Sunnah narrated ...
He is: Abu Bakr Ahmad bin Ibraheem bin Ismaa'eel bin al-Abbaas al-Jurjaanee al-Ismaa'eelee. Al-Ismaa'eelee is an ascription to his grandfather, Ismaa'eel ibn al-Abbaas.
He ...