Abdullaah bin Zubayr al-Humaidee (d. 220H)
Filed under: Scholars Saturday, December 05 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad Key topics: Abdullaah Bin Zubayr Al-Humaidee Al-Humaidi Al-Humaydee ![]() |
A group from the greatest of Imaams of Islaam and the Sunnah narrated from him, from the head of them Muhammad bin Ismaa'eel al-Bukhaaree (d. 256H). Likewise, Imaam Muslim in the Muqaddimah to his Saheeh, and likewise Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhee, likewise az-Zuhree, Abu Zur'ah ar-Raazee, and Abu Haatim ar-Raazee have all narrated from him.
He has been praised by the scholars greatly, Imaam Ahmad said, "al-Humaidee, in our view, is an Imaam". Ishaaq bin Raahawaih said, "The Scholars in our time are ash-Shaafi'ee, al-Humaidee and Abu Ubayd". And Imaam al-Bukhaaree said, "Al-Humaidee is an Imaam in Hadeeth". And adh-Dhahabee said, "He was from most senior of the Imaams of the religion, and he is a haafidh, vast in memorization, of abundant transmission." (See: Sharh Usool is-Sunnah lil-Haafidh al-Humaydee, of Shaykh Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree).
He died in the year 220H.