Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen: Distinguishing Between 'al-Maqdiyy wal-Maqdoo'r and 'al-Qadaa wal-Qadar' in Loving and Hating What Occurs from al-Qadr
Filed under: Belief in the Divine Decree Saturday, December 05 2009 - by Abu.Iyaad Key topics: Divine Decree Al-Qadaa Wal-Qadar Predestination Ordainment |
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) said in explanation of loving and hating what occurs from the Divine Decree, from the angle of distinguishing between that which is Allaah's action (al-Qadaa, al-Qadar), and that which takes place (resulting from that action), meaning that which is decreed, ordained (al-Maqdiyy, al-Maqdoor):
...And as for al-maqdiyy (that which has been ordained, decreed), then it is of types:The first type: That which is obligatory to be pleased with,
The second type: that which is forbidden to be pleased with,
The third type: that which is commended to be pleased with.
So for example, sins are from the maqdiyyaat (ordained, decreed matters) of Allaah, and it is unlawful to be pleased with the sins, even if they occur by the qadaa of Allaah, so whoever looked at sins from the point of view of al-qadaa which is the action of Allaah, then it is obligatory for him to be pleased, and that he say, "Verily, Allaah is Hakeem, and had it not been that His wisdom ordained this, it would not have happened". And as for that which is ordained (al-maqdiyy), which is the disobedience to Allaah then it is obligatory not to be pleased with it, and it is obligatory that you strive to end this sin, either from yourself, or from others (if it occurs from them).
And there is a type from that which is ordained, which is obligatory to be pleased with such as the legislative obligation, because Allaah judged it kawnan (in terms of His creative ability) and He judged it shar'an, (legislatively), hence it is obligatory to be pleased with it from the point of view of al-qadaa (which is Allaah's action) and al-maqdiyy (which is what is ordained to occur from it within the creation).
And the third type, it is commendable to be pleased with it, and it is obligatory to have patience upon it, and that is whatever occurs from the masaa'ib (calamities), so whatever befalls of the masaa'ib, it is commendable (mustahabb) to be pleased with it in the view of the majority of the people of knowledge, but it is not obligatory, however being patient upon it is obligatory...
Source: Majmoo' Fataawaa of Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, (2/62)